The Forest is the Tree: Three Big Reasons to Pay Attention to this Moment
By Michael Marvosh
My book, The Forest is the Tree, is an honest, intimate conversation with you, the reader, about what reality is, about who you are, and about what love is. It considers how we can love ourselves and others better.
Since we were young children, we’ve learned to build narratives around what’s true about the universe and about ourselves. These beliefs build up year after year until they are so enmeshed with our identity that we don’t know how to untangle what feels true in our experience from the religious or other belief systems we were taught.
I am a Christian. I am an atheist. I am a Democrat. I am a Republican. And so on.
When beliefs and identity are intertwined, letting go of one threatens the other. But it is possible to get to a place where beliefs and thoughts are tools we can pick up or put down to create a more peaceful and congruent life.
The journey begins by learning to Pay Attention. Recognizing that reality is what it is, apart from the stories we tell ourselves about it. Taking our eyes off the tree in front of us and experiencing the breadth and magnitude of the forest. Observing the love and effort all around us and within us that paved the way for our very existence. In this space, there is freedom and acceptance that extends not only to ourselves but to the people around us.
You don’t have to do this alone. This book provides a conversational roadmap, free from shame and judgment, to offer some guidance and companionship along the way.
About The Author
Michael Marvosh guesses that he’s supposed to write this author bio thing in the third person. He wonders why that is. To create the perception of an additional layer of separation between him and you, his reader? Or to make it somehow more inviting for you if you’re reading this bio prior to having read the book?
Well… do you feel invited?
If you pay ATTENTION, these few sentences will have told you all you need to know about Michael. He is incessantly curious and has been for as long as he can remember. He has few qualms about asking impertinent questions—and is hard at work, losing the ones that remain. After decades of questioning, Michael thinks he’s found a handful of solid answers, and he simply needed to share them with you. That’s where this book came from. And, he hopes, many books are yet to come.
Michael lives in Boise, Idaho, with his family.